Bancroft Blast 10/13/22
For Your Calendar
Spirit Day – 10/14/22, Friday Twin Day
Runnin’ for Rhett Starts – 10/17/22 M & W 2:15-3:15
Flag Football – 10/19/11, 4:00PM Isador Cohen
Flag Football – 10/26/22, 5:00PM, Isador Cohen
Red Ribbon Week – 10/24-10/28/22, Spirit Week
Spooky Saturday – 10/29/22 3-6PM Playground/Cafeteria
Flag Football – 11/2/22, 4:00PM, Isador Cohen
Picture Make-Up Day – 11/4/22
Veterans Day NO SCHOOL – 11/11/22
Student Council Spirit Day
Tomorrow, Friday, 10/14/22, is Twin Day, buddy up with a friend and dress alike!
Runnin’ For Rhett
Runnin’ for Rhett is a FREE run club and 5K to be held 12/3/22, for students grade 1st-6th. Sign ups are open now at the link below. Practices will be
Mondays and Wednesdays 2:15-3:15 starting
Monday, October 17th.
Miss Pam is still in need of a parent helper at practices on Mondays and Wednesdays, please contact her if you’re available.
Flag Football
Come cheer on our Flag Football team, see the calendar for dates and times.
The last game will be November 2nd!!
Red Ribbon Week – Spirit Days
Red Ribbon Week will be 10/24-10/28/22, The class that has the most participation for the week will win a suprise from PTO. Spirit days are as follows:
Monday -Say NO to Drugs, wear red
Tuesday – Team up Against Drugs, wear your favorite team attire
Wednesday – Don’t be on Drugs….Wear Neon
Thursday – Lei off Drugs, dress in Hawaiian attire
Friday – Say Boo to Drugs, wear black, orange or Halloween shirts (no costumes)
Spooky Saturday
It’s back!! But we need your help! Please click the link to see how you can volunteer,
Make-Up Picture Day
If your student missed picture day, or you are unhappy with the original picture, make up day will be on Friday, November 4th.
Lost and Found
With the cool mornings jackets are being abandoned on the playground in the afternoons. Please check the rack and put your student’s last name on the tag so we can try to return them. Also, please put their name on the water bottles, we are getting quit a collection of them also!