Bancroft Blast 10/15/2020
Spirit Days
Although we cannot be together in person we can still show our Bancroft Spirit!
Tomorrow, Friday, October 16th, will be Bancroft Day, wear your Bancroft spirit gear, or dress in blue and gold. If you would like to purchase spirit wear it is available at our PTO website at . You can also become a member of PTO or make a donation.
From the Office
If you have not yet logged in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal at the website please email me,, to receive your “key” needed to create your user name and log-in.
Please go to our website and complete all of your student’s first day packet forms, we especially need the emergency card, LCFF and lunch applications as soon as possible.
Attendance is taken daily! If your child misses participating in class for any reason please contact the teacher, or the office at 916-395-4595 (press 1),
Teachers that are participating in packet exchanges have given specific directions for pick-up/drop-off locations, and days, please follow their instructions. We are getting extra “visitors” in the office, we miss you, but it does create extra precautions to be taken.
From SCUSD Health
Our Immunization Clinic is now open for SCUSD students by appointment registration.
The SCUSD Free Immunization Clinic may administer vaccines to SCUSD students who meet the following criteria:
Enrolling for or currently enrolled in EK – 12th grade at a SCUSD school.
Are under 19 years of age.
Have Medi-Cal or no insurance, or are Native American or Native Alaskan
To register for an appointment, please click here. Families with urgent immunization needs should contact their child’s doctor. Students with private insurance must see their primary care provider.
For everyone’s safety during COVID-19 appointments are required. To ensure physical distancing, appointments will be spaced apart and the number of people attending the appointment will be limited. All individuals are required to use face masks and hand hygiene.
Click here for flyer for more information as well as translations.