Bancroft Blast 12/8/2020
Dates For Your Calendar
PTO Meeting - December 9th, 6PM
Spirit Day - School Colors, December 11th
Parent/Teacher Conferences - December 4th-14th
Winter Break - December 21st-January 1st (return January 4th)
LCFF Applications Due - December31st
PTO Meeting
Wednesday, December 9 at 6pm on zoom
Meeting ID: 629 052 7121
Passcode: Bancroft
LCFF/Lunch Applications
These two forms can have a huge impact on our school’s future funding. If you have not already filled them out PLEASE take a couple of minutes and do it now, the links are provided. The deadline for LCFF has been extended to December 31st. Even if you don’t think you will qualify for the lunch application, completing it can benefit the school. Both applications are one per family.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences began on December 4th and continue through December 14th. Please be sure to be in contact with the teacher regarding your conference time, the office will not have a master schedule available.
No School – Winter Break
We will be on Winter Break from beginning the week of December 21st through January 1st. We return to Distance Learning on Monday, January 4th.
2021-2022 Kindergarten Registration/Open Enrollment/ Permits
Kindergarten registration will begin January 12, 2021, students must have all the required immunizations. Open Enrollment applications will be available at the district website from February 9, 2021-February 16, 2021. Applications for Intra and Inter District Permits will be available April 1, 2021-May 3, 2021.
6th Grade Parents
Open Enrollment begins in February (see above), this is the time to apply to middle schools that are not your neighborhood school. Students are required to have two immunizations before they can start 7th grade, Tdap and a second Varicella. When you have them completed please scan the updated record to so I can input them to our system.