Bancroft Blast 5/26/22
For Your Calendar
TK/K registration – 3/15/22 continuous
Summer School Registration – ends 6/10/22
Tacky Tourist Spirit Day - 5/27/22
Lunch on the Lawn – 5/27/22
NO SCHOOL Memorial Day – 5/30/22
Talent Show – 6/2/22 & 6/3/22
Rainbow Spirit Day – 6/8/22
Play Day – 6/10/22
Bancroft Spirit Day – 6/13/22
Last Day of School – 6/16/22 MINIMUM DAY
Spirit Days
This Friday, May 27th, dress in your best Tacky Tourist attire.
Rainbow Spirit day, Wednesday, June 8th, each grade will wear different colors:
1st=red, 2nd=orange, 3rd=yellow, 4th=green, 5th=blue and 6th=purple
Bancroft Spirit day will be Monday, June 13th, wear your favorite Beaver gear,
or blue and/or gold/yellow.
Lunch on the Lawn
Bring a lunch and blanket, or lawn chair, and join your student for
Lunch on the Lawn on Friday, May 27th!
Class lunch times:
Caldwell, Zepeda, Howell & Policar – 11:00-11:40
Arnold, Theodorides, Teply & Carrithers – 11:20-12:05
Mercer, Anderson, Crumbley & Ketchel – 11:40-12:20
Mitchell, Giunta & Reynoso – 12:00-12:40
Talent Show
Talent Show is still in need of parent volunteers to help with student supervision between acts during dress rehearsals and the evening shows. Dress rehearsals are 5/31 and 6/1, between 2:15 and 6:00PM, evening shows are 6/2 and 6/3 between 6:00 and 9:00PM.
Summer School Information
Summer Matters@SCUSD-Elementary School Program runs from June 30-July 29, 8am-2:30pm daily. This 21-day summer learning program will give your incoming 1st through 6th grade child the opportunity to participate in a meaningful and engaging summer learning experience. Students in this program will learn skills to transition and succeed in the 2022-2023 school year through collaboration, relationship building and social emotional learning.
Applications for ELEMENTARY PROGRAMS must be submitted by Friday, June 10, 2022. Parents will be notified of enrollment between June 16 – 24. Space is limited, although we will try to accommodate all applications. Please note that the following groups will receive priority enrollment: foster youth, students experiencing homelessness, special education students, English Language learners and students on free and reduced lunch.
Apply for the Elementary Program for Incoming 1st-6th Graders.
The 26-day Freedom School Elementary Program, offered at three school sites from June 30-August 5, is available to incoming 1st grade through incoming 6th grade students. Focusing on relationships and connection, this program explores the courageous efforts of youth to make a difference in our communities.
Apply for the Freedom School Program for Incoming 1st-6th Graders.
Extended Care
Each community center or site providing Extended Care (Phoenix Park Community Center, Boys and Girls Club, and YMCA) runs during different date ranges from 8am-5pm that can be reviewed here. Students will engage in enrichment activities, social emotional learning and ample play time.
Apply for Extended Care from Incoming Kindergarten-6th Grade Students.
Summer Matters@SCUSD-Middle School Program runs from June 30-July 29 and is an exciting 21-day program that gives incoming 7th and 8th grade students the opportunity to become agents of change by completing student-led projects that incorporate both research and action through a human design thinking model.
Apply for the Middle School Program for Incoming 7th-8th Graders.
Applications for the MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM must be submitted by Friday, June 10, 2022. Parents will be notified of enrollment between June 16 – 24.
From the Office…..Covid Test Kit
Check backpacks for an at-home Covid test kit being sent home for use on Monday, May 30th, prior to returning from the three day weekend. Check the expiration dates on any test you may have at home, these expire June 15th.
Thank you to those that have donated tissues!!
Play Day
Our annual Play Day event will be on Friday, June 10th. Parent volunteers are needed to help with stations, look for a flyer soon!
2022-2023 Registration Information
Early Kindergarten (new name: Half Day Transitional Kindergarten, or TK 1/2 Day) registration began on Tuesday, March 15th. Packets are available in the office, or on-line at Students need to turn 5 years old between September 2, 2022 and February 2, 2023, all school vaccinations are required for the registration to be accepted. TK 1/2 Day enrollment is based on a lottery to be held at the end of April. Registrations will still be accepted after the lottery deadline, but will be added to a waitlist if necessary.
Kindergarten registration has begun! Packets may be picked up at the office, or the Enrollment Center, or completed on-line at, hard copy packets must be turned in to the Enrollment Center. Students must turn 5 years old before 9/1/2022, enrollment is based on the date of registration. All vaccinations for school are required for the packet to be accepted.