Bancroft Blast Newsletter, March 11, 2020
Update COVID-19
SCUSD Update on COVID-19 per Sac. County of Public Health
It is no longer necessary for someone who has been in contact with someone with COVID-19 to quarantine for 14 days. As long as the school community members are symptom-free, they can attend school.
Students, employees, and family members should stay home if they are sick. If a person is showing symptoms – fever, cough, shortness of breath, SCPH advises they stay at home from work or school until free of symptoms for 72 hours or after seven days from the start of symptoms, whichever is longer.
Consistent with the new guidelines from SCPH, we will reach out to individual school communities if a student or family member tests positive for COVID-19 to provide an update on the actions the District will take pursuant to the guidance from SCPH.
See the attachment for more information.