Bancroft Blast Newsletter March 25, 2019
Beaverdash is in full swing! Today your students will receive the attached flier and registration will begin. To be eligible for the first set of prizes your student must register and send emails by the dates listed on the flyer. If 10 emails are sent by March 28th your student will receive a raffle ticket for 4 Disneyland Tickets, 2 winners will be drawn! Lets get online and send those emails! Drawing will be done Friday afternoon.
Students can also win prizes along the way based on their donations. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and we would really like to see Mrs. Carrillo kiss an animal if the school reaches the goal of $25,000! Classes and teachers will also win prizes based on the donations they bring in. This year we are hoping to fund a new digital marquee to replace the old school one. Also, a new PA system, PE equipment and give back to the teachers. Have fun and thank you for all your support ~ Bancroft PTA
Family Dine-Out
Join us for dinner out at Panda Express located at Folsom and 58th, on Thursday, March 28th between 4:00 and 9:00 PM. Be sure to take the flyer with you to enter the code for a
20% return to our PTA.
Student Council Animal Spirit Day
This Friday, March 29th, students can dress up as their favorite animal, or wear a
shirt with the animal on it.
Yearbook Pictures
Please submit any pictures you may have for the yearbook to
The order deadline is approaching, April 12th! Flyers are available in the office or order on-line at YBPAY.LIFETOUCH.COM, code 13058519
For Your Calendar
Family Dine Out Night - Panda Express March 28th, 4-9 PM
Student Council Spirit Day - Animal theme, March 29th
School Site Council - April 9th, 5:30
Beaver Dash - April 12th
Yearbook Orders Due - April 12th