Student & Family Handbook
Student & Family Handbook Online
Download Handbook (updated 8.23.20)
Contact Info
2929 Belmar Street
Sacramento, California 95826
Phone: 916-395-4595 (ext. 0)
FAX: 916-382-5943
Attendance Line: 916-395-4595 (ext. 1)
School Mascot: Bancroft Beaver
School Colors: Blue & Gold
SCUSD & Board of Education Info
Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD)
5735 47 th Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95824
Phone: 643-7400
Superintendent: Jorge Aguilar
Board of Education
- Jessie Ryan, President
- Christina Pritchett, 1 st Vice President
- Michael Minnick, 2 nd Vice President
- Leticia Garcia, Member
- Lisa Murawski , Member
- Darrel Woo, Member
- Mai Vang, Member
- Isa Sheikh, Student Member
Principal’s Welcome
This handbook was written to clearly communicate information, policies, and expectations to our students and their parents/guardians.
Hubert H. Bancroft Elementary school is dedicated to providing the best learning environment for our students. Our school is one in which we all should take pride and assume responsibility to ensure success and growth.
We hope this handbook plays its part in helping students and families have an enjoyable and productive school year. Welcome to a new school year!
Lorena Carrillo,
Hubert H Bancroft Vision Statement
At Bancroft, students are productive, respectful citizens who work to build skills, acquire knowledge, and continuously strive for improvement.
Our overall goals are to:
❖ Develop the basic skills of reading, writing, speaking,
listening, computing, and the ability to apply these skills to
life situations.
❖ Develop a positive self-concept and respect for other
❖ Develop a love of reading.
❖ Maintain a high level of parent-school-student cooperation.
❖ Develop skills in communicating effectively.
❖ Develop problem-solving, decision-making, and critical thinking
skills, accomplished in part through the integration of science,
technology and the artistic disciplines of music, dance, drama,
and visual arts into the daily curriculum.
Policies and Authorizations Requiring Parent/Guardian Response
Lunch Application
- Complete, even if you think you will not qualify. The applications can result in several thousand dollars of federal funding that provide supplemental support and materials (such as the library, technology, and intervention support, etc.) for our school. The application can be completed online at (preferred), or a printed application (included in this packet) can be completed and dropped off at our school in a designated drop box (Complete one per family).
Local Control Funding Formula Data Collection Online Form (LCFF)
- This information determines how much state funding the school will receive. LINK TBD
- Each student is required to have on file an emergency card that is updated each year that includes names, phone numbers and medical information. This year, the form will be online. Please complete one form for each child at (online only).
Indicate your authorization/permission for the Bancroft policies below on the Bancroft 20-21 School Policies and Authorizations Form. Complete 1 form for each student.
- Bancroft School recognizes that technology is used to support learning and to enhance instruction. Being able to understand and effectively use technology is critical to student success. It is a general policy that all technology is to be used in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner. At Bancroft, children have access to computers. All students using Bancroft’s computers (and their parent/guardian) are asked to sign a Computer Use Policy regarding acceptable use of computers.
RULES FOR USE OF COMPUTERS AND COMPUTER NETWORKS When students use school computers they agree to:
- Follow the directions of teachers and school staff.
- Abide by the rules of the school and school district.
- Obey the rules of any accessed computer network.
- Be considerate and respectful of other users.
- Use school computers for school-related education and research only.
- Not use school computers and networks for personal or commercial activities.
- Not change any software or documents (except documents they create).
USE OF SCHOOL COMPUTERS If students do not follow the rules, they may be disciplined and lose their computer privileges. Students may not produce, distribute, access, use or store information that is:
- Unlawful
- Private or confidential
- Copyright protected
- Harmful, threatening, abusive, or denigrating to others
- Obscene, pornographic or inappropriate in language
- disruptive to the work of others
- Damaging to systems (or that is designed to slow down the system)
- Students should not allow anyone else to use their password and should not use anyone else’s password.
- Students should use caution when giving their e-mail address to anyone.
- Students should never give out personal information such as their home address or telephone number.
- Students should protect the privacy of others; never give out personal information about themselves or anyone else.
Books are the property of the SCUSD and are checked out to each student on a loan basis. A student will be responsible for paying full price for lost books, or for any damage assessed by the teacher for ink marks, torn pages, etc.
Students may not use cell devices during school hours or allow other students to use their cell devices. Students with cell phones must store them in their backpack and the cell phone must be turned off. Students need to tell their teacher or office staff if they feel they need to call their parents. Student calls to parents should be for important reasons only and must take place through the office
If school staff becomes aware that a student is using a cell phone during the school day in violation of this policy, the cell phone will be confiscated and turned in to the office. The student will need to get it back from the Principal. If the policy is violated a second time, the parent/guardian will need to contact the Principal to get the phone returned. A third violation could result in a loss of privileges.
Bancroft has an excellent library that we encourage children to use frequently. All classes go to the library weekly to check out books from a large selection of books for students in grades EK-6. Parents/guardians must agree to be responsible for the books before they may be checked out. Please urge your child to bring library books home on a regular basis. Reading with your child is an excellent way to spend time together while reinforcing important reading skills. Studies show that children who have been read to often develop a great love of reading. You can help by reading to your child, or listening to him or her read, daily. Checking out library books can also teach children responsibility. Children are expected to take care of the school’s books and return them on time. To help defray the cost of book replacement/repair, parents must agree to be responsible for paying for lost or damaged books.
ANNUAL PARENTS’ AND STUDENT RIGHTS NOTIFICATION AND STANDARDS BEHAVIOR is the district’s link to the Annual Parent/Guardian Notice of Rights and Responsibilities. The document covers Curriculum and Instruction, Behavior and Discipline, Health and Safety, Performance and Evaluation, Pupil Records, Absenteeism, Technology and Internet Policy, and Title IX (non-discrimination on basis of sex and policy on sexual harassment), along with other
Hubert Bancroft Elementary Staff
EK Rm 3 Angela Cleavenger
Kinder Rm 1: Keri Delsol
Kinder Rm: 2 Teri Kirtlan
1st Grade Rm: 7 Theresa-DeMars
1st Grade Rm 9 Michael Howell
1st Grade Rm 6 Julie Caldwell
2nd Grade Rm 4 Nicholette Arnold
2nd Grade Rm 5 Elaine Theodorides
3rd Grade Rm 11 Lora Teply
3rd Grade Rm 16 Jay Carrithers Jay-
4th Grade Rm 10. Alice Mercer.
4th Grade Rm 24. Julie Ketchel.
4/5 Grades Rm 25. Melissa Reynoso.
5th Grade Rm 20. Jane Crumbley.
6th Grade Rm 12. Christine Mitchell
6th Grade Rm 15. Susan Giunta
1-3 Grades Rm 14. Kristi Policar
1-3 Grade (aide) Rm 14. Michelle Morrison
4-6 Grades Rm 17. Angela Anderson
4-6 (aide) Rm 17. Lucinda Morrical.
RSP Rm 19. Marley Polonsky.
RSP (aide) Rm 19. Linda Leou.
Resource Rm 18. Angie Espinosa.
PE Grades 1-6 Pam Courtney.
Office Clerk, Office. Shelly Fleming
Office Manager, Rm: Office Colleen Gale
Speech, Rm: Office. Carla Jerwers
Speech, Rm: Office Melissa Gilbert
Plant Manager, Darrell Amey
Custodian, Cheng Peng
Principal, Rm: Office Lorena Carrillo
Bancroft Daily Schedule
School Office Hours
Distant Learning Hours:
- “Live” phone calls: Wednesdays 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
- (You may leave a message on our phone system at any time, and we will return calls as soon as we can.)
In person instruction Hours:
- 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. every day school is open.
A program of positive reinforcement is used to encourage and recognize good citizenship and responsible behavior. It is our goal that students understand the connection between their behavior of self-discipline and positive results.
SCUSD follows the California Common Core Standard for language arts, mathematics, social science, and science instruction. Teachers are expected to teach to these standards while keeping in mind the needs of each individual student. Through varied and enthusiastic instruction, it is our goal to address the standards while offering a challenging and interesting curriculum that captivates students.
EMERGENCY ALARMS (During in-person instruction)
Bancroft conducts practice drills during the school year in an effort to prepare students and staff for potential emergency situations. The emergency alarms and procedures are reviewed in the classroom. Students and parents/guardians should always be alert to the special alarms and know the appropriate action to take.
Bancroft has a Safe School Plan that provides much greater detail on procedures that would be put into place in emergency situations. Knowing how to respond to these alarms is the first response that is most important to the safety of the students.
ASES and the 4th R (City of Sacramento) offer extended day programs at Bancroft during in-person instruction) for students in grades Early Kindergarten – 6th grades before and after school. However, ASES will offer a Distance Learning program for any child enrolled at Bancroft in grades 1-6. For more information, please call the contact ASES at (phone number TBA) or 4th R at 916-277-6100.
FIELD TRIPS (During in-person instruction)
The surrounding metropolitan area has an abundance of interesting places to assist in educating children. Each classroom is encouraged to take field trips during the year that both reinforce and enrich the content standards. Before a child is allowed to go on a field trip, we MUST have a signed, SCUSD permission slip from the child’s parent or guardian. Handwritten notes cannot be accepted. If permission slips are not returned, your child will not be allowed to participate in the field trip.
SCUSD policy states “DOJ and FBI fingerprint clearance and TB clearance must be obtained through the District for all volunteers who chaperone field trips off campus.” The background and fingerprinting process begins with requesting the appropriate form from the office. The process may take several weeks, so planning ahead is strongly advised.
FUNDRAISERS (During in-person instruction)
During the year, the PTO and other organized groups will sponsor fundraising activities. The sale of anything by students at school is not allowed, unless it is part of an approved, school activity. All fundraising activities must be pre-approved in writing by the Principal.
The staff at Bancroft view homework as an integral part of the instructional program. As an extension of the classroom, teachers expect children to have a basic understanding of the work
assigned. To teach responsibility, we expect students to complete class work and homework on time. However, if your child does not understand the assignment, or fails to accomplish the task because of difficulty, please write a note to the teacher informing him/her of the problem. Parents will be notified if incomplete homework becomes a problem.
Individual student capabilities, and demands upon time, are factors to consider when applying the following suggested homework-time guidelines (approximately 10 minutes per grade level). These suggested times are in addition to independent reading (picture or chapter books) that may be assigned by individual teachers.
Grade Level Daily Homework Time Guidelines
K-1 10-20 minutes
2-3 20-30 minutes
4-6 40-60 minutes
LOST AND FOUND (During in-person instruction)
A lost and found bin and clothing rack is located outside the cafeteria. Students should check the bin frequently. Valuables, such as glasses, money, or jewelry are turned in to the office. Please inquire with the office if valuables are lost. Periodically, the “Lost and Found” will be emptied and the items displayed before being boxed for donation. Labeling children’s belongings will help keep the items in the “Lost and Found” to a minimum.
MEALS (During in-person instruction)
Breakfast and lunch are provided in the cafeteria. A menu for the month is sent home with students and is available on-line at (click on Student Online tools>Nutrition & Menus).
Meal costs are: Breakfast – Free; Lunch-$2.75/regular or free/reduced if qualify. Applications for free/reduced lunch are available in the office or at Students may pay by cash or check (payable to Bancroft School). Advance payments are accepted during Monday morning recess each week in the cafeteria. Lunches may also be paid for on-line at (click on Student Online tools>Nutrition & Menus).
The cafeteria register is automated, and all students receive an 8-digit PIN number that they enter on a keypad. Their numbers are provided by the teacher; younger students are issued cards that are distributed daily in the classroom. Once in a while, a student may forget to bring lunch money. The cafeteria will let you borrow, but you need to pay them back the next day.
Students enjoy both a lunch and recess break. The lunch break allows 20 minutes for mealtime. To ensure student safety, yard duty personnel supervise student activities both in the cafeteria and on the playground. Yard supervisors have the same authority as the classroom teachers and are responsible for the conduct of students while on duty. They sincerely care about our students. Listening and respecting their directions will support our efforts to provide students with an enjoyable lunch break experience.
MEDICATION AND HEALTH CARE (During in-person instruction)
Written authorization by the healthcare provider and the parent/guardian is required for students to take medication at school. The SCUSD Medication Authorization form is available on the District website and is also at the school site. Medication includes prescription and over-the-counter
remedies, nutritional supplements, and herbal remedies. All medication must be brought to school in the original container or prescription bottle and immediately taken to the school office. An adult must bring the medication directly to the school office. Medication may not be transported by a student, or be in the student’s possession while at school. The only exception is emergency medication that the healthcare provider has authorized the student to carry. Written authorization by the healthcare provider and the parent/guardian is required each school year or if the medication or dosage changes during the school year.
The school is only equipped to treat minor injuries with cold compresses (ice cubes) or band-aides. If there is a serious injury, parents/guardians are called. If they cannot be reached, then emergency personnel are contacted. If a child has a fever or is vomiting, the parent/guardian will be called to take him/her home.
As in any school, there is occasionally a problem with head lice. A child with head lice is not permitted to be at school. Head lice can be spread very easily and can reach epidemic proportions if not immediately treated. Any child with lice may be sent home and before returning to class must be cleared by the office.
PTO & PARENT VOLUNTEERS (During in-person instruction)
The Bancroft Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a very important organization on our campus. It is instrumental in conducting enrichment activities that are of great benefit to our students. Some of these have included Red Ribbon Week, Carnival, assemblies, book fairs, and much more.
Parents/guardians and students are encouraged to become members of the PTO. Please join when the Membership Drive is conducted. Even if you are not able to actively participate at the school site, your membership will help support the NUMEROUS programs and enrichment activities that parents bring to Bancroft.
Between the many day-to-day volunteers who help the teachers, administer special programs, assist in the office, or participate in special activities, Bancroft volunteers have logged in excess of 16,000 hours yearly! We are very proud of this accomplishment, and hope you will be a part of the active Bancroft community with positive support for the school.
We are always in need of parent volunteers and encourage your involvement. Giving your time and talents to the school is a great way to support your child’s education while communicating to your son/daughter the importance of learning. We realize busy schedules can hinder one’s ability to spend time at school. Still, you can show your support by talking to your child about school, spending time together reading, and reviewing schoolwork. A positive and cooperative attitude toward your child’s education is contagious. Your support signifies to your child the value you place on education. All parent volunteers must be approved through SCUSD’s volunteer process.
PARKING – FOR STUDENT SAFETY (During in-person instruction)
We kindly ask that visitors to the school use the designated parking spaces. There is no parking along red curbs or in the bus area. Please allow plenty of time for drop-off/pick-up of students. Please remember that handicap parking is reserved for vehicles with authorized handicapped permits only. Handicapped parking is not to be used, even as a drop-off area, except for those who display a handicapped license plate or placard. When dropping off or picking up your student, please do not block access to the parking spaces.
The school is not responsible for personal property. Students are discouraged from bringing non-instructional items to school. The school is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items.
Throughout the year, staff of Bancroft and the SCUSD may take still or video pictures of children in school. Students frequently participate in programs that the general public enjoys. The school or district website, other social media and/or yearbook often capture school events and moments. Parents must opt out of the media release if they want their child excluded from any public publication parents need to sign the opt out form found on the back page of “Annual Parent and Student Rights Notification and Standards of Behavior” booklet.
PLAYGROUND ACTIVITIES (During in-person instruction)
Bancroft’s playground offers a blacktop section with pre-marked games, climbing and exercise equipment, and has a huge grass area with shade trees and a few tables and benches.
Students are to remain on the playground and in sight of the yard-duty adults when outside. They are not allowed behind the classrooms or the 4th R building or in the parking areas. Playing by the classrooms, in the walkways or bathrooms, or by the staff room is prohibited.
Each teacher will review other playground rules with the students. Overall, children are asked to be good sports, to take turns and share with others, and to not disrupt other children who are playing a game.
Parents can expect report cards three times during the school year at the end of each trimester. Report cards reflect student progress over a twelve-week period. Please refer to the calendar for dates that report cards are sent home.
Parents should sit down with their child(ren) and review the reports together celebrating accomplishments while offering gentle words of encouragement for areas that need improvement.
A progress report will be sent home, mid-way through each marking period, for children at risk of not meeting grade level standards. This report provides parents with an update of their child’s progress while allowing time for improvement before the report cards are issued.
Parent-teacher conferences are conducted at the conclusion of the first trimester for each student and at the end of the second trimester if needed or requested by the parent. We encourage parents to attend parent-teacher conferences. It is extremely important that you become involved in your child’s education. We want you to be well-informed about Bancroft Elementary School and what we are doing for your child. Any time you have a concern regarding your child’s progress, we encourage you to contact your child’s classroom teacher.
We expect children to come to school dressed appropriately for learning., including in Distance Learning. Clothing should be comfortable, clean, and not a distraction to others. The following guidelines are based upon the idea that grooming and attire should coincide with the importance we place on learning:
$ Shirts with inappropriate language, logos or words that promote alcohol, drug, gangs, violence, tobacco, bigotry, or contain sexual connotations are not permitted.
$ The midsection and underclothing must remain covered. Pants must be worn at the waist.
$ No students shall wear articles of clothing, jewelry or accessories, which, in the opinion of administration, could pose a threat to the physical well-being and safety of the student or others.
$ Wearing apparel or makeup which causes a disruption in the classroom, is prohibited ~ this includes sunglasses.
$ Girls’ shorts and skirts must be long enough to reach the tip of the fingers when arms hang straight. Leggings can be worn under shorts or skirts that are a bit shorter in length.
$ Girls’ tank tops must have straps one inch or thicker at the shoulders. Sweaters or jackets can be worn over spaghetti straps to avoid dress code violations.
$ Shoes must be closed–toed and have heel support so that students are safe at recess and able to participate in P.E. Sandals, heels, flip flops are not appropriate for students.
Here are some examples of inappropriate attire:
· See-through, fishnet blouse/shirt or bare midriff, off the shoulder tops, spaghetti straps;
· Skirts or shorts shorter than mid-thigh (*fingertip) length;
· Flip flops or backless shoes;
· Swim/beach wear, exercise wear;
· Any clothing or other attire that is distracting, disruptive or derogatory.
The ultimate decisions regarding clothing (dress) are made by the Principal.
Finally, we expect students to wear clothing appropriate for the weather. We go outside for recess every day, except during rainy weather. Sweaters, jackets, and other outside gear should reflect the weather.
To provide shade, students may wear hats outdoors, during recess. Otherwise, hats should not be worn. The only exceptions are special, school-sponsored days (such as Student Council Hat Day). Hoods on sweatshirts or jackets may be “up” only when students are outside.
Please review this section carefully. All school rules and policies are based on California State Law and SCUSD policy, and apply equally to all students. These laws and policies are based on the fundamental need to ensure student safety and maintain a positive learning environment where students can learn and achieve in a structured atmosphere that promotes academic and social growth.
The school rules apply and are enforceable from the time a student leaves home until the time he/she returns home (or to a designated facility) after school. This includes time on buses.
In addition to the overall school discipline regulations, each teacher has classroom rules and procedures that students are expected to follow. These will be discussed in class.
Generally, students are expected to speak and behave in a courteous manner and respect the rights and property of others. There are 4 basic Bancroft School Rules.
Students may be issued a citation by a teacher or adult supervisor. These citations are given to students who break school rules. A citation is a warning to the student that his/her behavior or activity is unacceptable. The citation form is given to the student to take home, and is to be returned with the parent/guardian’s signature to the teacher and/or Principal.
Getting more than one citation can have progressive consequences:
1st Citation Form sent home regarding misbehavior or activity.
2nd Citation Teacher telephones parent.
3rd Citation Student referred to principal and principal telephones/conferences with parent
4th Referral Suspension from school (at principal’s discretion)
There are certain behaviors that are totally unacceptable and are subject to certain consequences. From the lists below, Category A behaviors are serious and dangerous to the health and well-being of students and staff. Students will be subject to suspension for violation of these behaviors:
Category A Behaviors
Assault (physical or verbal) and battery
Arson and arson agitation (encouraging others)
Robbery and robbery threats
Extortion (threatening a student for his/her money)
Vandalism (damage to school or private property)
Possession of a weapon
Sexual Harassment
Theft or possession of stolen property
Possession, use or sale of any controlled substance (drugs, alcohol or tobacco), including drug paraphernalia
Additional consequences for Category A behavior violations will result in one or more of the following, depending on the circumstances and severity of the violation:
Conference with student
Parent contact by phone or conference
Loss of student activity privileges
Shortened school day
Referral to District Hearing Officer for a Behavior Hearing
Transfer to another school
Category B behaviors are destructive to a positive learning environment. Students will receive consequences if they engage in these behaviors. The consequences are determined by the seriousness of the action and the student’s behavior history. The consequences may include time-out in class, time-out in another classroom, receiving a discipline referral or suspension (in-house or out-of-school):
Category B Behaviors
Classroom disruptions
Obscene language or behavior
Harassment by threats or intimidation
Inappropriate behavior towards adults
Property damage or graffiti
Disobeying school rules
Possession of nuisance items
Littering, leaving trash
If a student violates any of the Category B behaviors, these steps may result depending on the severity of the violation:
Conference with student
Parent contacted by phone or conference
Loss of student activity privileges
In-house suspension
Out of school suspension
The Bancroft School Site Council (SSC), a governing body within our school is composed of parents, school employees (both certificated and classified), and members of the community who are elected for a two-year term of office.
The main purpose of the SSC is to collaboratively develop the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and to modify it if necessary in order to provide the best possible program for students.
The school tries to provide some of the basic supplies. However, parents are encouraged to donate classroom supplies at the beginning of the year and as needed throughout the year. Should this pose a problem for your family, please contact your child’s teacher and alternate arrangements will be made.
STUDENT COUNCIL (During in-person instruction)
Bancroft has a Student Council that is made up of two student representatives elected from each of the intermediate classrooms (Grades 4-6) by the students in the classroom. Elections are held twice each year (September and February). The representatives as a group then elect the officers: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Rules state that a student may be a member of the Student Council not more than once each year, and may serve only once during their intermediate years in each of the four offices. Only sixth graders can serve as President; Treasurer must be a fifth or sixth grade student.
Under the guidance of a staff advisor, the Student Council members meet approximately once each week. They get involved in student activities, and sponsor community service events such as canned food drives. They operate a Student Store as a fundraiser and determine how to spend the money.
The Resource Specialist Program is designed to help students with special needs. To be eligible, a child must demonstrate learning needs that require services beyond those provided by modification of the regular school program. The procedure for placing students in a special program begins with the classroom teacher or parent. If you have concerns, please discuss these with your child’s teacher, who may then fill out a Student Study Team (SST) referral. You will then be invited to an SST meeting where your child’s background and needs will be discussed.
Student Study Team (SST)
Students having any kind of difficulty (learning, behavioral, attendance, making friends, etc.) may be referred for an SST by teachers. The student’s parents may also request an SST meeting. The SST consists of teachers, the principal, parents, and the psychologist (depending on the needs of the student).
Speech and Language Therapist
This specialist assesses children who may have difficulty communicating. The speech and language therapist provides therapy for the students identified as having speech and/or language problems as identified in an IEP.
The district psychologist assists the Individual Education Plan Team (IEP) in developing programs for referred students and assesses students for placement in special programs. The psychologist is at the school site generally one day each week.
VISITORS (During in-person instruction)
Although we enjoy having approved visitors on campus, arrangements for classroom visitations should be made in advance with the classroom teacher. Drop-in visits, even for a few minutes, can interrupt the flow of instruction and are unfair to the children and their planned program. For everyone’s safety, all visitors must report directly to the school office to sign in and receive a visitor’s pass. Staff have been instructed to politely redirect visitors without a pass to the office for a proper sign in. Visitors who sign-in and are cleared to volunteer should be invited by school personnel. Requests for visitation must be cleared through the classroom teacher and/or Principal prior to the visit.
To maintain the course of instruction, students leaving school early is discouraged. We realize, however, there are times when leaving early is unavoidable. If an early dismissal is required, students must be picked up by a parent and signed out in the office. Teachers are instructed not to release a child unless told to do so by the office. Students may be released only to parents or an authorized representative of the parents. Authorization must be in writing or via a phone call to the school. Adults picking up students during the regular school day are asked to do so through the school office. Once students are signed out, office personnel will call the child’s classroom and the student will be dismissed to meet the adult in the school office. Office staff will not call the classroom for students ahead of parent’s arrival. It is not reasonable for us to release a child to walk home alone during school hours. If a child is ill or has an appointment, we expect an authorized adult to pick him or her up at school and sign the Early Dismissal binder.
Children are under the supervision of Bancroft staff during school hours. Please do not attempt to handle a discipline issue or concern between your child and another Bancroft child. All concerns of this nature must be handled through the Site Administrator or your child’s teacher.
WELLNESS POLICY (FOOD AND TREATS) (During in-person instruction)
Bancroft abides by the Student Wellness Board Policy 5030 that complies with federal and state regulations. This policy restricts the sale of food to students on campuses during the school day to only those items that meet nutritional guidelines. In an elementary setting, regulations are effective from midnight to a half hour after the school day or expanded learning (whichever is later). SCUSD employees, parent organizations, and outside organizations will not use any food or beverage as a reward, incentive, or punishment for academic performance or good behavior. To learn more or suggestions for what items meet the wellness guidelines, visit