Bancroft Blast 10/28/22

E-mail blast

For Your Calendar

Spooky Saturday – 10/29/22 3-6PM Playground/Cafeteria

Yes, there is school on Monday, 10/31/22!

NO Candy or Costumes!

 On Time Ticket Contest – 11/1/22-12/23/22 

Flag Football – 11/2/22, 4:00PM, Isador Cohen Last Game

Picture Make-Up Day – 11/4/22

Family Dine-Out Night – 11/4/22, Thursday, Round Table on Kiefer

Veterans Day NO SCHOOL – 11/11/22

PTO  Book Fair – 11/14/22-11/18/22


Spooky Saturday

Tomorrow is the BIG day! Costume contest starts at 4:00 PM!



“On Time” Ticket Contest

Students will earn an “On Time” ticket every day they are on time to school, this means they are in line when the bell rings at 8:00AM.

The ticket will be handed out daily beginning Thursday, November 1st through Friday, December 23rd.  There will be weekly and monthly prize drawings, the final drawing for the game truck will be on Friday, December 23rd!

96 lucky winners will get to play in a Video Game Truck, on campus, when we return from Winter Break!


Every ticket increases your chance of WINNING!



PTO Dine-Out Night

Join us for Pizza Night at Round Table on Kiefer Boulevard on Thursday, November 3rd between 5:00 & 9:00 PM.  See the attached flyer for more details.


From the Office

Health & Wellness Policy (Celebration Treats)

No sweet treats PLEASE!

In compliance with the District Wellness Policy:

Honor celebrations and special occasions by using non-food treats such as stickers, pencils, games or crafts. The district website has a list of non-food and healthy celebration ideas. 

If food is provided at school, ensure all food/beverages are compliant with the SCUSD Wellness Policy. Food/beverages provided must be compliant with Competitive Foods regulations. 

When food is included in a celebration or snack, SCUSD will only offer healthy food that is non-allergenic to all students in that classroom.   

Dogs on Campus

If you bring your dog with you to drop off/pick up your student at school please do not bring them on campus, this includes the walkways and gate areas. Please keep them on the “street” sidewalk.