Bancroft Blast 1/22/24
For Your Calendar
Kindergarten Registration 2024/2025 – 1/16/24 online only at
School Site Council – 1/30/24 6:00 Zoom
TK registration/Open Enrollment - 2/5/24 online only at
Fictional Character Day – 2/7/24
Kindergarten Visitations – 2/8/24 or 2/15/24, 8:00-9:00 AM
NO SCHOOL – 2/12/24
100th Day of School – 2/13/24
Valentines Day/Dress UP – 2/14/24
PTO Family Art Night – 2/15/24
NO SCHOOL – 2/19/24
Minimum Days – 3/15/24-3/22/24
Spring Break NO SCHOOL – 3/25/24-3/29/24
2024/2025 School Enrollment
Kindergarten registration began on 1/16/24, on-line only at Student’s must be 5 years old on, or before, 9/2/24 and have the required vaccinations. Transitional Kindergarten and Open Enrollment begins 2/5/24, again, on-line only at Transitional Kindergarten students must turn 5 years old between 9/2/24 and 6/2/25, and have the required vaccinations. Open Enrollment is for student’s that are currently enrolled in a Sac City school but wish to attend a school out of their neighborhood.
NEW this year, current TK students will be automatically enrolled in their neighborhood school. No need for additional enrollment processing! Check with the office if you would like to confirm your enrollment.
Kindergarten visitations will be offered 2/5/24 or 2/15/24 between 8:00 and 9:00 AM. Please sign-up on the attached flyer.
Student Council
We will have two dress up days in February! Fictional Character Day, dress up as your favorite character on 2/7/24. Wear hearts/red/pink on Valentine’s Day, 2/14/24.
It’s time to replenish our student store supply! If you would like to purchase and donate we have an Amazon wish list, purchases will be mailed to the school
From Miss Amber
In January, Bancroft is focusing on EMPATHY - what it means, why it’s important and how we can show EMPATHY to those around us! As we are coming out of a month of giving to others it is important to continue to practice what being empathic is. Learning empathy happens best when it is done both at school and at home. When practicing empathy, students can understand their classmates and others in the world around them. In the classroom, children build friendships and engage in teamwork situations that expose them to other people’s point of views. It is important to understand the difference between empathy and sympathy. Later this week I will be out at lunch to do an activity with the students to help them understand empathy more. Be sure to ask them how they show empathy!
Bancroft is still working hard at attendance! For every class that has 95% attendance (or higher) they will receive popcorn and the highest class will receive a free recess with me!
As always, reach out to me if needed!
Amber Henrichs, MSW, PPSC
Pronouns: she/her/hers
School Social Worker