Bancroft Blast 2/2/23
For Your Calendar
2023-2024 Kindergarten Registration - In the Office 1/10/23-1/24/23
Open Enrollment – 2/1/23-2/15/23 at
Spirit Day Rainbow – Friday, 2/3/23 CORRECTION
PTO Art Night – Thursday, 2/9/23
Spring Picture Day – Friday, 2/10/23
Spirit Day Superbowl – Friday, 2/10/2023 CORRECTION
Basketball Tryouts – Friday, 2/10/2023 2:30 PM
NO SCHOOL Lincoln’s Birthday – Monday, 2/13/23
Spirit Day Valentine’s – Tuesday, 2/14/2023
6th Grade Sly Park Parent Meeting – Wednesday, 2/15/23, 6:00PM
NO SCHOOL Presidents Day – Monday, 2/20/23
School Site Council Meeting – Tuesday 2/21/23, 6:00 PM
Minimum Days – 3/17/23-3/24/23
Intra/Inter District Permits – 4/1/23-5/1/23 at
NO SCHOOL Spring Break – 4/3/23-4/7/23
Spring Picture Day
We will have Spring pictures taken on Friday, February 10th. All students will have their photo taken, information on how to order will be sent home with each student.
Basketball Tryouts
We are excited to be participating in the SCUSD Athletic Basketball program again this year! The program is open to all boys and girls in grades 4, 5 & 6. The team will consist of 12 players with a list of alternates. Games will begin in March at a nearby school, parents will be responsible for transporting their students to and from games.
Tryouts will be held Friday, February 10th, from 2:30-4:00, weather permitting. Players must provide three signed documents to try out for the team, forms are available in the office.
6th Grade Sly Park Parent Meeting
If you are interested in your child attending Sly Park this spring please do not miss this important parent meeting. Room 15 and Room 17 will meet in the classroom on Wednesday, February 15th at 6:00 PM, Room 12 will meet via Zoom Mrs. Mitchell will provide the link.
From the District
The District is looking for substitute custodians, if you are interested please contact the office or email Mrs. Carrillo for details on the process,
The District has a new “newsletter”, the Sac City Scroll. Check it out for the latest info district wide at
Student Council Spirit Days – CORRECTED DATES
Friday, February 3rd will be Rainbow Day, each grade is asked to wear the following:
Kinder/TK – Rainbow, 1st – red, 2nd – orange, 3rd – yellow, 4th - green, 5th – blue and 6th – purple.
Superbowl will be celebrated on Friday, February 10th, support your favorite football team.
Valentine’s Day will be celebrated by wearing red, pink, hearts, etc…..
2023-2024 Kindergarten Registration
Registration for the next school year Kindergarten began Tuesday, January 10, 2023. Parents may register on-line at, in person at the Enrollment Center, or pick-up a packet from the office and turn it in at the Enrollment Center. Students must turn five on or before September 1, 2023, and have all the required immunizations.
Information for Transitional Kindergarten is still pending.
Students for this program must turn 5 between September 2, 2023 and April 2, 2024.
PTO News
More info to come soon on our PTO Art Night for February 9th!
Did you know you can order Bancroft Spirit Wear?
Check out the links to shop, support our PTO and Bancroft: