Bancroft Blast 3/23/23

E-mail blast

For Your Calendar

2023-2024 Kindergarten & TK Registration -  Enrollment Center or on-line at

Minimum Days – 3/17/23-3/24/23, Friday to Friday

4thR Closed – 3/31/23, Friday (YES, school is in session)

Student Council Animal Day – 3/31/23, Friday

Intra/Inter District Permits – 4/1/23-5/1/23 at

NO SCHOOL Spring Break – 4/3/23-4/7/23

Family Dine Out Night Chipotle – 4/19/23, Wednesday 4-8PM

Beaver Dash – 4/21/23, Friday

NO SCHOOL Memorial Day – 5/29/23, Monday

Last Day of School – 6/15/23, Thursday


Student Council Spirit Days 

Friday, March 31st will be Animal Day. Students may wear clothing, or a hat, or bring a stuffed animal.


PTO News 

BEAVERDASH – The 2023 Beaverdash jog-a-thon fundraiser launched on Monday, March 20th. Students will lace up and hit the new blacktop track on Friday, April 21st!

 The FIVE top earning classes this year will receive:

                 1st- $100 GC of your choice & $500 scholastic dollars!

                2nd- $75 GC of your choice & $250 scholastic dollars!
                3rd- $50 GC of your choice & $150 scholastic dollars!

                4th/5th- $25 GC of your choice & $50 scholastic dollars!


Attached is the flyer that outlines the event and prizes that your students can earn. Thank you for helping to make this year’s event bigger, better and even more Beavertastic

DINE OUT NIGHT -  April 19th, 4;00PM-8:00 PM at Chipotle, 5738 Folsom Blvd. A flyer is attached with ordering details.


Did you know you can order Bancroft Spirit Wear? 

Check out the links to shop, support our PTO and Bancroft:


Office News

Spring Break will begin on Monday, April 3rd and continue through the week.  We will return on April 10th at 8:00 AM. 


Please take the School Climate Survey for Parents and Caregivers.The survey is open from February 27 to March 31, 2023. You can find the survey by visiting the link below:


NEW WAY TO REPORT ATTENDANCE!  You can now go to our website, and report your student’s absence.  Look for the “hand” on the homescreen and complete the form, it is automatically sent to the attendance desk. You can also still leave a message on our 24 hour attendance line at 916-395-4595, press 1, send an email to, or send a note with your student upon return.


Just a reminder……if your student is late, or misses school, due to a doctor/dentist appointment please be sure to ask for a note, it will not count as a tardy or absence on their attendance record!


2023-2024 Kindergarten/TK Registration

Registration for the next school year Kindergarten  began Tuesday, January 10, 2023.  Parents may register on-line at, in person at the Enrollment Center, or pick-up a packet from the office and turn it in at the Enrollment Center. Students must turn five on or before September 1, 2023, and have all the required immunizations.


Transitional Kindergarten registration is now being accepted on-line at , or you can download the packet and drop it off at the Enrollment Center. A lottery will be held in May if a school site reaches capacity.

Students for this program must turn 5 between September 2, 2023 and April 2, 2024, and have received their required immunizations. New this year, families need to register for their neighborhood school, or the nearest school with a program, enter your address at to find your closest site.